My name is Andrew Cox. I work as a Technical Support Engineer II for MasterControl, working with Databases and Stacktraces on a daily basis. I have been studying Computer Science since early 2020. I was quickly promoted to work as a manager for a Customer Support Team at a Furniture Company within my first year, and was quickly promoted in my role at MasterControl also within a year. I enjoy working with Microsoft SQL (SQL Server) more than anything, but am proficient in Java, vanilla JS, LAMP Stacks, including PHP in Web Dev, and some HTML and CSS. I have a degree in Computer Science from Salt Lake Community College and will have my Bachelor's in Computer Science from Western Governor's University by the end of the year.


  • •Customer Support Lead - Walker Edison Furniture
  • •Technical Support Engineer II - MasterControl


Who Am I?

  • •SLCC - Associate of Science (General Studies)
  • •SLCC - Associate of Computer Science
  • •WGU - Bachelor of Computer Science


  • •Daily usage of Microsoft SQL, including complex JOINs, CASE statements, Aliasing, Variables, Custom Views, and CTEs.
  • •Experience with other Relational Database SQL models including MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • •Strong understanding of OOP, with emphasis on Java programming language.
  • •Understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms with a background in advanced Math.
  • •Understanding of backend architectures and PHP for Web Dev.
  • •Previously used Excel on a daily basis to manage thousands of rows of customer data at previous job.
  • •Familiarity with DOMO for Data Analysis.
  • •Understanding of Tableau to create easily digestiable data samples.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet sirloin strip steak cow prosciutto ground round. Pork tail pork belly chicken biltong t-bone. Bresaola pork loin alcatra sausage short loin beef ribs kielbasa, kevin drumstick spare ribs frankfurter pastrami picanha ham hock. Shankle beef pork tongue ball tip. Doner beef ribs short ribs kielbasa, fatback biltong jowl pork ribeye shoulder short loin.

Swine ribeye salami beef cow tongue. Meatloaf burgdoggen swine andouille ground round strip steak short ribs corned beef tongue. Picanha ground round ham hock t-bone rump burgdoggen pastrami pork chop bacon short ribs kevin chuck. Shoulder short ribs bacon pastrami buffalo. Short loin hamburger andouille turducken turkey meatloaf. Alcatra spare ribs beef ribs, prosciutto picanha chuck burgdoggen tenderloin cupim brisket landjaeger filet mignon ham ground round short ribs.
Sausage jerky capicola sirloin, bacon beef pork chop pancetta ground round biltong shankle ribeye strip steak filet mignon. Pork belly drumstick brisket, turducken kevin bresaola hamburger pork loin. Pork loin frankfurter prosciutto flank ham strip steak, sirloin short loin chislic meatball brisket spare ribs sausage ham hock. Andouille boudin chuck, leberkas meatloaf shank salami sausage. Meatball doner tri-tip corned beef, brisket chicken prosciutto ball tip sirloin burgdoggen turducken shank. Filet mignon short loin kielbasa, pork ribeye chislic shankle turkey. Shankle ham biltong hamburger burgdoggen.
Jerky meatball pastrami shank chicken. Kevin pork chop cupim, cow chislic ham hock chuck alcatra burgdoggen tail. Burgdoggen cow pork chop jerky alcatra salami pork loin. Tri-tip tenderloin ball tip, flank drumstick frankfurter prosciutto tail.

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